Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Thirty

Last day with Portney :'(

BUT ANOTHER FUN DAY OF SLOSHBALL! yippie! Work got called off this afternoon due to thunderstorms (yessss) so Portney and I went shopping for a bit. Then we caught the bus over to OB and played kickball with legit 60 people, which was ridiculous but also tons of fun. After we got pizza with the irish lads and topped it off with a fritter from Back Door Donuts (the diet starts right now).

And I forgot to mention our knights in shining armor yesterday. At work, Portney and I were driving out into the pond and chatting busily about who knows what when all of the sudden the motor stopped! Oh no! So I lifted the motor and realized that I had run over a (submerged) lobster pot, and the rope got wrapped around the motor impossibly.... shit. So I tried to get the rope undone when a boat with an adorable dog, wise old man, and handsome young lad in ray bans (yummm) came over to help us. The handsome young lad (not irish) didn't do much to help, but the wise young man ended up jumping in the water (it was barely three feet deep) and freed our motor of the darn rope. Yay! Then the man accidentally dropped his knife and we felt bad since it was basically our fault, but then he found it so everything was good. Yay for damsels in distress :)


1 comment:

  1. I miss our knights in shining armor... and you... and mv :(
